I'm undecided on whether or not I'll be taking this army to Castle Assault this year so I've been fleshing out options and sourcing formations so that I can have a bit of variety in play testing in the lead up to the event.
So lets get stuck into what you're here for...
Base coats ... Base coats everywhere. Something different here I'm using Vallejo Surface Primer German Dark Yellow as a base for the whole army.
Gone ahead here and finished an Infantry stand and Rhino so I had a standard to work to
Washes are key for epic
Getting to work picking out details
Bunch of plague zombies stand ins base coated here
The next couple of photos show models I've pinched from the Warmachine range to use as Plague Towers as per NetEA Death Gaurd list. It's a bit of a stretch scale wise but i think i'm going to get away with it they're a good size for a 6DC war engine. Sourcing actual plague towers was proving pricey!
So far I'm having trouble writing half decent all comer lists with more than 1-2 of these chaps in there, but it'll be handy to have a third should i chose to up the cheese factor.
Now painting the infantry in formation lots, here I've picked out the weapons after a wash.
Supreme commander stand. Bit of a rush job but I'm happy with how its turned out so far.
Another shot of the rhinos for some reason
Completed rhino waiting for tufts
Lastly below are a couple of shots of a model I'm using for a great unclean one, Fun times painting this filthy bastard. Even though I haven't written a list yet with him in it.
Well thanks for stopping by for another quick blog update. I'm looking forward to finishing this force I'm trying to source a few more models at the moment to get more variety into the list so let me know what you think so far.