Thursday, 12 January 2017

A Colossal Distraction...

This is mostly the reason I have made so little progress with my CanCon army.

A 6mm (true scale) Warlord Titan

Perhaps I should just chuck it in an army revolving around being able to take a Warlord...
Busting out my 10 year old air brush that has seen far too little use, I went out and picked up a bunch of Gucci Vallejo air brushing kit which has made an excellent difference to the last time i remember using the air brush.
Hobby masking tape is excellent shit.

Went with a red-brown base coat in prep for red.

Airbrushing complete

Trim work

The Airbrush has certainly made this easy.

Bust out some dirty yet effective dry brushing for the metal areas.

Body close up

And another

Legs together time to put it together

Finished with the base and all

Bit of ass action

Family photo

Thats all folks, be sure to check back 


  1. Fantastic work mate! Looking forward to seeing reports of the titan bash at CanCon this year :)

  2. Very nice looking Warlord, is it Legio Metalica?

    1. Hi, Thanks and yes Legio Metallica, or at least my take on it!

  3. Where did you get all these modern looking Titans from etc??

  4. Where did you get all these modern looking Titans from etc??
